nine five ltd. was started with two goals in mind: to provide individuals with a premium headwear/lifestyle brand that defines their personality and what they stand for... but more importantly, team up with charities and foundations who seek to put an end to environmental, health and other global issues.
The adage “live this day” is the driving force and motto that nine five ltd. believes in and lives by. nine five ltd. believes it is our job to live each day on this earth to the fullest, help the less fortunate achieve the same and do everything we can to ensure a better tomorrow.
nine five ltd. is committed to donating 20% of every purchase made on our site and turning the contributions into something that supports the greater good. Our customers enable us to give and, we in turn, empower them to choose an issue to help put an end to, or as we like to say “PUT A LID ON”.
We've been keeping a bit of a secret.....
We are proud to announce our partnership with Autism Speaks & Make Waves.